How to create a command – entire Echo team

If you are your organisation’s Echo Team Owner, or have Team Admin permissions, you can add commands for your entire Team. This can be used for adding commands you want all users to have access to. This saves them having to add these commands individually. Each user can still add their own commands as well.


  1. Log into
  2. If you have the correct permissions, you should be able to view your Team’s Page. If you are taken directly to your personal Echo page, you do not have permissions to manage your Echo team.
  3. Click the Team Services section. You will then be able to click Echo Commands in the left column.
  4. The method for creating Team commands is the same as individual commands. To create Team commands, or your own individual commands, use the below guides –

Each command must have a unique Spoken Phrase. If a Team command has the same Spoken Phrase as a command created by a user, the USER command will take precedence.

Users will need to say ‘update commands’ to Echo before they can be used.

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