How Do Lexacom Licenses Work / No Licences Available

Lexacom Licenses work on a per user, per day, basis.

This means that when a Talk or Type user logs in, they are allocated a license for that day which cannot be shared with anyone else, even if they log out. Although the licenses don’t run concurrently, they can be used to log in at multiple locations throughout the day, and the software can be installed on to an unlimited number of PCs at no additional cost.

This type of license model means your site won’t ever be limited by the number of PCs or user profiles you have.

Here’s an example…

If you have 10 licenses it permits 10 users to log in to Lexacom on any one day. If an 11th user tries to log in there won’t be any licenses left, but overnight the license count resets.

If the Lexacom log in screen displays the below:

the maximum number of licences has been reached and no other users will be able to log in. If you have any queries about this then please contact the Lexacom Helpdesk.

NOTE: Logging in as a Lexacom Administrator does not use up a licence.

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